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来源:必赢437app登录入口  发布时间:2021-06-26   浏览次数:1530

 岳  芹 Yue Qin

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1. A new sample-based algorithm for inpainting used in secrete information hiding. Advances in intelligent and Soft computing, 2012.

2.Permanence for a modified Leslie-Gower predator-prey model with Bedding-ton DeAngelis functional response and feedback controls, Advances in difference equations, 2015.

3.Extinction for a discrete competition system with the effect of toxic substances. Advances in Difference Equations, 2016.

4.Dynamics of a modified Leslie–Gower predator–prey model with Holling-type II schemes and a prey refuge. SpringerPlus, 2016 .

5. Note on the stability property of prey free equilibrium point of a prey-predator model with stage structure for predator. Open Mathematics, 2016.

6.Permanence of a Delayed Biological System with Stage Structure and Density-dependent Juvenile Birth Rate. Engineering Letters, 2019.

7.Note on the Stability Property of a Single Species Stage Structure Model with Density Dependent Birth Rate. IAENG International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2019.

8.Dynamic Behaviors a Single Species Stage Structure Model with Density Dependent Birth Rate and Non-selective Harvesting in a Partial Closure. International Journal of Applied Mathematics,2020.

9.New Results on the Extinction and Permanence of a Two Species Nonautonomous Nonlinear Competitive System. Engineering Letters, 2020.